Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Oh my. Watch these "far left political groups" tell fox news to suck it, outside the DNC. hahahahahaha

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I need

one of these

The effect of Obama on american racism

Neoracism is pretty much white people saying that the fight for racial equality is over. Its grounded in nice sounding, politically-correct ideology that still has not fully surfaced in reality. And the Obama presidency might further this... or so this NY Times article explores. 

Things to do in Glen Ellyn, IL

I have spent a solid week moping, watching TV and mourning the loss of boulder. My lifestyle isn't even possible here. No concert venue directly across from apartment building. I no longer live in a town which consists soley of my peers all with in walking distance. No large family of people I love with all my heart. No mountains. I am truly homesick. But alas, I am not there I am here. I can look to a future in New York but gotta live in the moment. And get a life. In Glen Ellyn, IL. UGH.
SO...here's the list my one Colorado sidekick and I concieved of.

1. Ride bikes on prarie path.
2. Jump rope to music.
3. Make pretty jump ropes.
3.Use bubble gun to flood the intersection of bloomingdale and geneva with bubbles, take pics
4. Paint again. and work on selling paintings
5. Start gourmet cooking vegetarian food.
6. Take sewing/yoga/pilates/dance/graphic design classes
7.Quilt banners
8. Actually move in to house
9. Start happy hour book club
10. Acquire more friends
11. Invite them to fancy dinner party
12. Make movies with digi videocam and Mac
13. Get art show at La Spiaza
14. Get a fucking job
15. Go dancing in Chicago (top priority)
16. not get arrested.

GE traditions to do less of
1. Driving around
2. Drinking at Curlys
3. Eating at Los Bs....

... God I love Los Bs