Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I don't understand how the party that once believed in small government has now become fully motivated by a Judeo-Christian agenda. They have become so obsessed with sexual mores and and religious values to put the government in your body and home. The Republicans would simply like no one to ever get abortions, and don't understand that liberals agree. But you simply cannot stop the action of abortion in a society just like you cannot stop sex. Its a question of coat hangers or not. Really. Harsh but true. And these are the people that don't want an educational focus on contraception, just abstinence. That really worked well for Sarah Palin's family... And then, (my favorite part) then people that are soooo obsessed with "life" fucking love guns and the death penalty.

I know this is not all republicans, but it truly is the core belief system. The other Republicans I know that I truly respect just want to make sure the rich get richer, or they are simply holding on to a party that does not exist anymore.

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